Korean Vocabulary #6: List of Colors 색깔

Color 색깔 saekgal
Achromatic Color 무채색 muchaesaek
Azure/Sky Blue 하늘색 haneulsaek
Beige 베이지색 beijisaek
Black 검은색/까만색/검정색/흑색/블랙 geomeunsaek/gamansaek/
Blue 푸른색/파란색 pureunsaek/paransaek
Brown 갈색 galsaek
Chromatic Color 유채색 yuchaesaek
Coffee 커피색 keopisaek
Complementary Color 보색 bosaek
Copper 동색 dongsaek
Dark Blue 남색 namsaek
Dark Color 짙은색 jiteunsaek
Gold 금색 geumsaek
Golden Yellow 황금색 hwanggeumsaek
Grass Green 초록색 choroksaek
Green 녹색 noksaek
Grey 회색 hoesaek
Ivory 상아색 sangasaek
Khaki 카키색 kakisaek
Light Color 얕은색 yateunsaek
Light Green 연두색 yeondusaek
Maroon 밤색 bamsaek
Opponent Color 반대색 bandaesaek
Orange 오렌지색/주황색 orenjisaek/juhwangsaek
Pink 분홍색/핑크색 bunhongsael/pingkeusaek
Primary Color 고유색 goyusaek
Purple 자주색 jajusaek
Red 붉은색/빨간색 bulgeunsaek/bbalgansaek
Rose 장미색 jangmisaek
Silver 은색 eunsaek
Skin Color 피부색 pibusaek
Solid Color 순색 sunsaek
Transparent 투명색 tumyeongsaek
Turquoise/Bluish Green 청록색 cheongroksaek
Vermilion 주홍색 juhongsaek
Violet 보라색 borasaek
White 흰색/하얀색/백색/화이트 hinsaek/hayansaek/baeksaek/
Yellow 노란색/황색 noransaek/hwangsaek

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