Tag Archives: LadyFinger Recipe


LadyFinger Recipe

Am I crazy about making LadyFinger? A little bit >< arhh.. It’s so hard to make LadyFinger, but at least I found the correct recipe on the net, just need a lot more effort in folding the ingredients and piping ladyfinger batter into “fingers”, to make it looks prettier. I’m not a professional; I’m just a commoner who love cooking and baking. I cook and bake to feed myself and my family but I have no real skill. If you want to try Tiramisu recipe at home, you have to make this your own since it is not something that you just step out and buy in Malaysia. Hope you like my fat ladyfingers because they taste good! Main ingredients are eggs, sugar, flour and powdered sugar.

How to make LadyFinger



180g flour
4 eggs, divided
120g sugar, divided
2 tablespoons powdered sugar for dusting


1. Preheat oven 180°C.
2. Grease the baking papers with butter. Put aside.
3. Beat egg yolks with 60g of the sugar until the mixture is pale yellow and thick, about 7 to 8 minutes.
4. Beat egg whites with 60g of the sugar until stiff.
5. Gently fold 1/3 of the beaten stiff egg whites into the egg yolk mixture, mix well.
6. Continue to fold the rest into the mixture, mix well.
7. Sift in the mixed flour and gently fold it into the mixture.
8. Spoon the batter in a pastry bag with a tip fitted. Pipe the batter into “fingers”, about 24 LadyFingers. Dust with powdered sugar. Bake at middle level until slight golden brown, 8-10 minutes.
9. Remember to leave enough space between each LadyFinger for them to expand.