Tag Archives: VAT Refunds


Tax Refund Korea – all you need to know

All you need to know about Tax Refund Korea. How to claim your tax refund in Korea? I have been to Korea for two weeks but I have nothing to start with other than Tax Refund in Korea! Well, I think this is the most important thing you must know because you may get few hundreds dollar back to your pocket. I am not kidding *money face*. I always think that the process of claiming tax refund is very troublesome, annoying, and complicated. In fact, it takes just few simple easy steps. Even if you cannot speak Korean.

How to claim your Tax Refund Korea

Tax Free Form Tax Refund Korea
First of all, check your status and eligibility. You must be a visitor who has been visiting or residing in Korea for less than 6 months and purchase goods that cost a total of 30000 won or more (bought within three months of departure). Whenever and whatever you buy, do not forget to ask the sales assistant whether the goods are tax free or not (or look for “Tax Free logo” before you buy anything). If it is tax free, you will be asked to fill a “Tax Free Form”, details such as your name, passport, nationality and signature is required. An envelope for your receipt and the form will be given. It is better to pack your “Tax Free” goods separately, when getting your boarding pass, tell them you have goods to claim for tax refunds. Then, bring your bag to somewhere in between sections 3 and 4 of Incheon International Airport departure hall, or look for Burger King and you will see the “Custom Declaration and Oversize Baggage” counter. Present your goods and refund forms to the person in charge to get approval and you can check-in your bag there. Last, after going through the immigration, go to “Gate 28” and look for the refund counter, give them your receipt and form and you’ll get your refund in cash immediately.

Tax Refund Korea Airport Packing Service
We tend to buy a lot of things when we travel especially in Korea and did not realize that we have not enough luggage or our luggage are too small to pack our things. What to do? My friend did something smart, she packed all her groceries at the airport packing service counter before check-in, 8000 won for a medium size box.